MVSD Transportation
Transportation Services
Telephone: (603) 931-3811
Noelle Panagopoulos
Director of Transportation
Assistant Director of Transportation
Late bus departs the HS/MS campus at 4:45 p.m. Students MUST sign up at the HS/MS office for late bus.
Bus Schedules are subject to change. Please check back often for updates.
Please note:
Children living outside the walking zone limits are granted the privilege of riding the school bus to and from school. In order to maintain an efficient, orderly and safe means of transportation, children must be on their best behavior, not only on the bus itself, but also in the bus lines at school and neighborhood bus stop areas. If this is not the case, it is possible for children to lose their bus riding privilege.
A written and dated request from a parent or guardian is required for a child to ride a bus other than the one to which they are assigned. A three-day notice is required. Upon receipt of the written request, the school office will notify the transportation office. Permission will be granted if space is available.
Any problems or concerns related to busing should be directed to the Director of Transportation
• Merrimack Valley School District •
• 105 Community Drive • Penacook, NH 03303 • 603.753.6561 (phone) • 603.753.6023 (fax)