Health and Wellness Services
The Health and Wellness professional staff at the Merrimack Valley School District provides direct health care, educational opportunities, referral to community based agencies and support to all students of the Merrimack Valley school community.
The school nurses assists students, staff and families in the management of first aid, communicable diseases, accident prevention and chronic health conditions in the school setting. School health records are maintained with immunization audits and health screenings (height, weight, vision, hearing, scoliosis ) as indicated. The nurses also provide wellness promotion education.
Parents/guardians are encouraged to communicate with the school nurse about their child’s health issues. In the interest of your child’s health and the health of other children we appreciate your cooperation with the following regulations:
Administration of Medication in School | NH DHHS Immunizations | Severe Allergy Medical Provider Form | Communicable Disease
• Merrimack Valley School District •
• 105 Community Drive • Penacook, NH 03303 • 603.753.6561 (phone) • 603.753.6023 (fax)