English Language Learner Services
MVSD English Language Learner Services seek to follow the guidelines from:
THE NH Legal Compliance Manual for Instructing & Assessing Students Learning English
ESOL Services:
are fair and integrative and provide equal access to equal opportunity
involve team approach, comprising personnel such as the ESOL & classroom teachers, ESOL coordinator, school counselor, principal, Title I staff, parents
do not segregate students for a lengthy period of time
value students’ language and cultural differences
provide effective services that lead to performance comparable to ESOL students’ English-speaking peers
provide adequate resources and qualified personnel, with approximately
are based on individual student English proficiency needs
include multiple criteria for placement, promotion, and exiting
use a monitoring plan that includes careful observation of students for a two-year period after exiting the program
are based on current instructional practices
teach English language skills and skills for learning content (academic subjects) through English
provide modified content area instruction, document services provided, and decisions made
• Merrimack Valley School District •
• 105 Community Drive • Penacook, NH 03303 • 603.753.6561 (phone) • 603.753.6023 (fax)